Frequently Asked Questions

At what stage of the screening process do you submit resumes?

When we send you a resume, we’ve already briefed the candidate on your company, the job opportunity, and the salary to make sure they fit your idea of the ideal candidate.

Can we trust in the quality of your candidates?

We screen our candidates thoroughly to assess their experience, background and qualifications. We verify the candidate’s state licensure. Our reputation is a reflection of the healthcare professionals we send you. We want to build a relationship with your company; therefore, we only present candidates who meet your needs based on the criteria you have given us.

I’ve heard that some recruiters place people in a facility then actively recruit others from that same hospital. What is your position on this?

Our clients hire us and pay our fees. We consider it unethical for us to place someone at a company and then try to recruit another person from that same organization. The only exception to this rule is if one of your employees contacts us directly. If there is NO doubt that this person is determined to leave your facility, we might consider working with the candidate.

What happens if we are sent the same resume from two recruiters?

Ask each recruiter if he/she personally recruited the candidate and provided your company name to the candidate. If the recruiters both affirm, its customary to give credit to the recruiter who first provided the resume.

A recruiter gave me a resume six months ago. I didn’t hire the person. Now I am ready to hire the candidate. Do I owe a fee to the recruiter?

YES. A recruiter earns a referral fee for up to twenty-four months from the date a candidate was submitted.

How many recruiters are enough?

We recommend working with no more than two recruiters—more than that and you’ll find your recruiters begin to cross efforts and contact the same candidates. This is a waste of time for all parties involved and causes a lot of upset and confusion. Giving your recruiter an exclusive search or putting them on a retainer assures you will receive their full attention and the most efficient search process.

Do you offer programs to recruit several candidates for a facility?

Yes, we do. We have several programs available, depending on your unique recruitment needs. For more information about our different recruitment solutions, please contact Nadia Gruzd ( | 858-229-5939) to evaluate the best solution to most effectively fill your vacancies.

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